16 September 2012

life // week in review: Instagram

It's been a few weeks since I've looked back on the week or weekend in Instagram photos, so these are really from the past two weeks.  That's cool, right?

This past week I spent at my parents' house, dog-sitting their two puppies while they went to Toronto.  My parents don't vacation very often and when they adopted the pups (Fanny and Freddy), they were really conflicted about what to do about the trip they'd already planned.  So I volunteered to babysit, and brought my own pooch, Mickey, with me.

I LOVE these dogs, but man, I forgot how much hard work puppies can be (Mickey is six years old so he's calmed WAY down from his puppy days, and my boyfriend's dog, Pepper, is two years old and very well-trained).  Mickey was a bit of a terror the first couple of years; he took forever to potty-train and he still has a unique personality when it comes to meeting new people (and dogs, for that matter).  As he's grown up and mellowed out, I took for granted the fact that he's just so easy to take care of now.

Puppies?  Not so much.  But I still had a blast hanging out with them this week, despite PLENTY of cleaning up after them and retrieving various articles of my clothing from the backyard.  One look at their sweet faces, and all is forgiven.

1. The sweet faces I was referring to.
2. Starbucks makes Pumpkin Spice in VIA!
3. One of the many messes I had to clean up, courtesy of Fanny.
4. A moment with my first Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season.
5. The gorgeous Malibu sky after an engagement shoot last week.
6. Los Angeles traffic.
 7. Mani Monday with Scotch Naturals and Sally Hansen.
8.  Another pumpkin spice latte, this time at Larchmont Bungalow.
9. My sweet Mickey face.
10. Found this powdered peanut butter at Whole Foods and HAD to try it. Surprisingly tasty!
 11. Messy desk with lots to do (look at all the Post-Its!)
12. Yes, another pumpkin spice latte; Panera's version almost tastes like gingerbread.

This week, as you can see, was also the week of pumpkin spice lattes.  It's a little weird, actually, because I wasn't always a huge fan of the #psl in past years, but maybe because of the social media craze over them (I laughed when I first saw #psl on Twitter and Instagram), I got excited to try them again and realized that they really are quite delicious.  They taste especially good iced, which is great since it's still 90 degrees outside (it's not fall yet, people!).

Linking up with...

P.S. Two days left to enter this crazy group giveaway!  Check back for a new giveaway launching tomorrow, too!


  1. I've never had a dog but we've been talking about getting one - the puppy years scare me a little!


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