12 August 2012

Sunday confessions.

I've gone back and forth on how much to reveal about the "real me," because it's not all pretty rainbows and unicorns (as we all know from the "Things I'm Afraid to Tell You" series). 

Anyway, here goes...

I lost my day job a few weeks ago.  I was already looking for a way out (as I've been working toward my photography dream job) but when your job quits you instead of the other way around, it's kind of a shock.

My boyfriend and I are in a rough patch and I don't know if we'll make it out to the other side together.  I'm not feeling very optimistic about the eventual outcome.  Breaking up (and moving out, if the breakup does happen) totally sucks.

My friends and family have been truly amazing over the past few weeks (I mean, they're always amazing, but they really come through when I'm at my most vulnerable.  They're awesome like that).  I think one of the best things they've been able to say to me is that I'm at a turning point in my life -- there's a lot of change and not all of it welcome, but I have a unique opportunity that many people don't get to make some real decisions about what I want and go after it.  I no longer have anything to distract me from pursuing Anna Delores Photography as my full-time gig, which actually makes me really happy.  My parents have already welcomed me into their home, if that's what I decide I need and want to do (thus saving hundreds of dollars on rent every month). 

I'm in the midst of some crazy, confusing, sometimes depressing, sometimes enthralling changes.  I hope y'all will stick around while I renegotiate my sense of self and regain a firm footing on my world, my goals, my life.


  1. Wow, that's a lot of yucky stuff to deal with all at once! Hugs to you and I hope everything works out in the end :)

  2. I hope things work out the best for you sweetie!

  3. Oh, Emily, we are here for you!

  4. I'm sorry you've been going through so many stressful and difficult things all at once. ))HUGS((

  5. Aww, I'm really sorry to hear that, hun. I can relate. I know how hard it is to see the silver lining and keep moving towards it. But everything will pass one day. None of this will last forever. So hang in there! You'll make it :)

  6. Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry to hear that! I think it's very brave of you to show your true feelings and I'm absolutely positive you will make it! :) Pursuing your dream is scary, but very fulfilling. Break ups just totally suck, there's nothing else to say about that :( Glad to hear your family is so wonderful. Hang in there, lovely! xxx

  7. You guys are all so wonderful, thank you for your kind words -- they are appreciated more than you know!

  8. Great post, Em... it's not easy to put yourself out there but I'm glad you did! Did you know I got fired from my job last December right before Christmas? So I know how it feels... totally sucks. But, change is good... it seems you are shedding the weight that is keeping you from spreading your wings. In 5 years from now (or probably much less that that) you will look back and realize these moments were leading to your evolution. I'm so glad you have a supportive family to get you through it... stay strong sweetie!

  9. We are here for you-- you have many, many, many friends wishing you well right now!


  10. I hope everything works out for you Em. It's great to know that our family and friends are always there to support our decisions and encourage us to go after our dreams. Sounds like yours a truly amazing. It's not easy posting about the rough (but real) stuff in our lives. You're a brave girl.

  11. I just stumbled upon your blog and think it is so so beautiful. Seriously, when I saw your header I was hooked and have been looking through all your lovely photography. I'm so sorry about your job - I had the same thing happen to me as I pursue my dream of writing & I know how scary it can be. Hope it all works out.

    Now following you, girl - truly excited to read more and see more of these beautiful photos! You are a true talent!



  12. Sending you some love Emily! Sounds like a lot to deal with and I hope it all settles down soon for you. I like the idea of it being a turning point, it really is. :)


  13. I am *always* here for you- just an email or tweet away if you ever need to chat. I totally know how you feel, and I'm sending you lots of love!

  14. Thanks AGAIN to all of you amazing ladies ... I feel so lucky to have so many lovely friends in the blog-o-sphere who are so generous with their kindness and support! xx

  15. I'm sorry things aren't going too well, but they'll get better :) I've taken a look at your photos and you're a fantastic photographer, I'm sure your business will take off in no time. Good thing is you've got your family backing you up & ready to support you.

    Found your blog on the SoCal blog map.

  16. Funny how these things always come along in one big wham!! I always think that it ends up being for the best because you can brush yourself off and move along at super quick pace. Everything will work out absolutely perfect for you Emily because things always do, chin up old girl (as us Brits would say) xxx

  17. That stinks. But sometimes it's better for a decision to be made for us than by us. This gives you an opportunity to figure out how to do what you love instead of hanging on to your "regular" job that pays you well enough to keep you around. As far as relationship problems - shoot. After being in a relationship since high school (a thousand years ago), it ended. In all sincerity, it was the BEST thing that ever happened to me. He was nice and nothing was awful, but sometimes you just need that push to go live your life as who/what you want to be. My two cents. Even though I don't know you. LOL.


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